Saturday 18 August 2007

Snake Eyes

"Abstinence sows sand all over
The ruddy limbs & flaming hair,

But Desire Gratified

Plants fruits & beauty there."

Gratified an ancient childhood desire to wear a
balaclava like my favourite G.I.Joe character: Snake Eyes!

For those who came in late, Snake-Eyes' real name, place of birth, and most other information about him have remained classified throughout all depictions of his origins; all that is known for certain about his military standing is that he holds the rank of U.S. Army Sergeant First Class (E-7) and has undergone Drill Instructor training. He is also the team's resident hand-to-hand combat instructor. Very little else about his past has been revealed.

Snake-Eyes is quiet in his movements and is a swift and deadly master of multiple martial arts. He is an expert in the use of the ninjato, which he usually carries in a pair of sheaths strapped to his back (but often uses only one). He is equally qualified with and willing to use standard weapons like firearms and explosives. Making him even more dangerous is that he has never relied on one set of weapons to the exclusion of others. For instance, in one mission, Snake Eyes is confronted by a ninja with a sai and he defeats him by simply throwing a standard grenade at him. In keeping with his personality, Snake-Eyes usually wears what could perhaps best be described as a black "military ninja" bodysuit, along with a balaclava and visor to cover his face.

1 comment:

Jimsi said...

After going through this column ,wat striked me is the fact , as a kid whatever we learn stays put in us and infact,the only necessary basic things we need to know in this life is learned as a kid, rest everything actually is clutter.The Characters that influences us when young will in a way shape us subconciously as a responsible citizen oneday .. p.s I would recommend this read ."all i really need to know i learnt in kindergarten." cheers !