Saturday 29 September 2007

Mobile Phoney

The loss of one's mobile phone irks the very existence of a human being. Why is this so? I was reading a friend's blog which ranted about the impersonal communication levels between beings of the same species aka humans. We would rather connect using technology like telephones, internet chat rooms and email. Personal contact with the tactile sense of touch is sorely missing in our static lives. I meet people and most men indulge their insecurity by shaking hands with that 'bone crushing' grip. Another form of territorial pissing i guess. Women shy away from a hug and either react with a "Do you have to touch me pervert?" look or just try to get away as soon as possible. Communication grows colder as you read this. As more and more couples work longer hours to earn more so they can pay off mortgages on the house, loans on the car or admissions for the kids; the most basic of communication medium suffers. Yes im talking about sex in terms of the ol' in-out routine but the various nuances of the dying art. Indians rank amongst the lowest in terms of duration in global lovemaking scorecards. Are we heading towards bleak futures where pecentage of males affected by ED is on the rise due to high stress jobs, lack of physical exercise, sedentary lifestyles and inadequate diets? Its strange that a man actually starts earning money so he is more attractive to the opposite sex and prove himself as capable of protecting and caring for her. But as time flies he is caught up in his drive for more and loses sight of his primary purpose. If you are reading this with a view to conclusion its right here in your face "Get out there and make love!"

Disclaimer: Author is in no way responsible for sore cheeks, love bites, unwanted pregnancies and worse marriage proposals that are bound to occur. He however takes full responsilbility for glowing skin, heightened sense of wellbeing, sparkling smiling eyes, blissful existence and bouncing walk cycles.

1 comment:

Jimsi said...

Indians rank amongst the lowest in terms of duration in global lovemaking scorecards ???? really ?? you got to publish this in HEADLINES ...make more Love make more love should Be the Slogan!!! "Could you be loved and love ??"...bob marley.. Dis reminds me of a joke , once,lalloo prasad has to fill up a form he fills d requisite and submits,unfortunately, the form gets rejected ..the reason :-laloo prasad, Age:- 56 , Sex:- 9 times a week ..... tee heee way to Go Lalooo...