Monday, 22 October 2007

Steel Toes


Academy-Award® nominated David Strathairn portrays Danny Dunkleman, a Jewish liberal humanist, and the court-appointed lawyer representing Mike Downey (Andrew Walker), a Neo-Nazi Skinhead on trial for the racially motivated murder of an East Indian immigrant. Steel Toes takes us into the intense and fiery relationship that develops between these two men as they explore their emotional and intellectual differences. Steel Toes is a provocative exploration of the inescapable and insidious presence of racial and religious intolerance in our society.

The film starts off with a typical skinhead beating which is the cornerstone of the entire movie that enfolds. The rest of the film explores the psyches of the two men as they square off against one another exposing and stripping bare their souls. Slowly the hate nurtured and nourished from the past gives way to tolerance which proves quite unsatisfactory leading the protagonist to a realization that love or compassion is the only need in the world we live in. The journey of this realization causes collateral damage in the life of the lawyer whilst the light he ignites in the skinhead grows brighter and shine through. A must watch!
"Explosive new drama & a provocative exploration of the inescapable and insidious presence of hatred in our society." - The Toronto Star

"Strathairn, with his expressive eyes and tremulous voice, is good at suggesting confidence tinged with doubt, and he's well matched by Walker, who brings menace and danger to his role as the defendant." - Toronto's Now Magazine Glenn Sumi

Also See: The Believer

LOL - everyone's looking for a connection


Alex, Tim, and Chris view the women in their lives through the dimensions of a computer screen or the lens of a camera-phone, as they struggle to balance their online fantasies and addictions with the demands of real life. This up-to-the-second feature intimately explores masculinity in the new millennium, a time when young men are trying to decipher the mixed messages of modern relationships and technology. Featuring a nonprofessional cast, video contributions from people all over the world, and original music by lead actor Kevin Bewersdorf, this funny and thoughtful film offers an honest portrait of how the latest tools of communication can either help us click or turn us off.

"The inability to connect in a hyper-wired world is old news given fresh voice in this tragicomic indie about the way we live."
-Nathan Lee, The New York Times

"LOL is a somewhat stunning mirror on the ways we say things without using words. [Swanberg] reveals himself to be one of the most emotionally astute young filmmakers working today."

"LOL is a witty mini-satire of post-collegiates trying to connect romantically and erotically (at least, the women are) in a tangle of up-to-the-minute technology.
-Gerald Peary, The Boston Phoenix

"Go see this movie! It's funny and original...Joe Swanberg gets the most real, honest performances we've seen since the Duplass Brothers"
- The Duplass Brothers (The Puffy Chair)

Thursday, 11 October 2007


Graffiti is not a form of art, it is not made for MTV, the back of your backpack, t shirts or impressing chicks. It's a lifestyle of expression beyond borders and systems. It's a place people exist and live. Please do not shit in the house. Respect the rules and those who have come before you.

Coming Soon..

Military Freudian Complex

Military jargon and names given to weapons have historically been recognized as morbid euphemisms displaying a feigned detachment in describing something so final and personal for those on the receiving end. The current level of nuclear jock talk also reveals a pathological fixation with male genitalia and psychotic male sexuality, Freudian and beyond. Here’s just a small collection of current terminology to laugh and cry about. This is the technology we are supposed to admire and pay for:

The deployment, penetration and discharge of U.S. strategic Warheads do not go down smoothly without oil. Everyone, especially the good ol’ boys of the U.S. military, knows that it’s all about the oil. The Air Force must use force with its “Bunker Busters,” but sometimes its discharge is less than “Friendly Fire.” There are many cases of misguided missiles at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Ask any Air Force Ca-dette.

Embedded journalists know nothing of the “Advanced Unitary Penetrators.” The military keeps it under the covers, because it doesn’t want to disclose much about its “Depleted Uranium” wasting the lives of the ranks and fodder. Actually, the military doesn’t use its old “Ps” (older “heavy metal” penetrators), now that it has new viagra enhanced “AUPs” (Advanced Unitary Penetrators) and condom contoured “S/CH” (Shaped Charge warhead technology they call “missiles covered with skins”).

They have found that women and children respond best to the “BRs “or “BROACH” (Multiple Warhead System). Women are ravished, “she is disassembled”, and children instantly turn into cute little “crispy critters.” Depleted Uranium, their contribution to recycling, secures the rights of the unborn to come into the world (for a short time only), with spectacular birth defects.. “Cluster Bombs” evolved out of a concern for family values.

At times the military likes to get down and dirty. “Dirty DU,” comes from “a penetrating body formed of Depleted Uranium” which is sometimes contaminated with Plutonium. Will it be radioactive semen, cancer or only “Gulf War Syndrome?” But of course those good oil’ boys cut a disarmingly dashing profile with their “Smart Bombs” and “Cruise Missiles” and the “120 mm U.S.& Charm UK.” They can literally melt your heart away with their ”Armor-Piercing Ammunition” (confirmed to have Depleted Uranium).

Dressed in uniform, they can even become poetic with “Daisy Cutters,” putting fresh flowers on the graves. The graves are dug by “ The Big Red One,” a mechanized military division using oversized bulldozers created for the military by Caterpillar, Inc., U.S.A. The “Big Red One” was able to bury thousands of Iraqis (some not yet dead) in Pappy’s Gulf War (according to U.S. Army Officials) And of course their “Stealth Bombers” add a romantic air of mystery. “Big BLU” (a “direct strike hard target weapon”) sends everyone into rapturous song, “Off we go, into the wild blue yonder!” Native Americans are finally “honored” (from a distance) for their once –upon-a-time warrior prowess, with “Apache Helicopters,” the “Tactical Tomahawk” and the “SCALP-ER” (a BROACH).

And of course we can’t forget Texas, with the “Maverick.” Question: Does the “Patriot Missile” have anything to do with the “ Patriot Act,” or is it just a “Maverick?” In any case, “Just don’t mess with Texas.” But when they really get down to it, The Military Freudian Complex strives to out-do their fathers, (remember the “Little Boy” and “Fat Boy” used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?) Now they have the “Hard Target Guided Warheads” and the “SLAM-ER” (Shaped Charge), and the “20mm Phalanx sea-to-air.” Sometimes men, in the act of creating Weapons of Mass Destruction, wax to new climaxes of religious fervor: “HellfireII/Brimstone,” is a “Guided Missile.

So now we arrive at the ultimate theological question: Could it be that “Warhead” is close to “Godhead?”

Whether you are for or against this Invasion on Iraq, you should at least know your American vocabulary for U.S. “WMDs” (Weapons of Mass Destruction) while you contemplate your own likelihood of being collaterally damaged. (…unless of course you happen to live in an underground bunker near the White House).

US WMDs certain to have and/or suspected to have Depleted Uranium:
Big BLU –116 Bunker Buster guided bombs
GBU-32 1,000 Guided bomb
GBU-24 (with a shroud to the penetrating body)
Tactical Tomahawk Penetrator Version warhead
EFP , Explosively Formed Penetrator
CBU-97 Cluster Bomb

Websites on weapons and depleted uranium:

60 Minute Priniciple

I write this post for a simple reason: Every time I need to do something to better my existence or improve my standard of living (for eg. run a mile to pump up my bleeding heart, paint to express my soul, exercise to purge my pains, etc) , it is not always easy to find the time. So try this. Give yourself a minimum of sixty minutes a day (more if possible) - and try to make progress. And then blog about the journey of following your efforts. For e.g. visit to see the gallery of paintings created by an artist using the same principle. Not to convince you that you can make or sustain yourself as an artist on sixty minutes a day - painting is a life-long pursuit and takes serious committment. It is about how to turn consistent effort into something worth looking at.

To spend time is to pass it in a specified manner. To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessy. We all have time to either spend or waste, and it is our decision towhat to do with it. If you love life, dont waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

The clocks ticking..

Wednesday, 3 October 2007


What is violence? Do you know violence because you know non-violence? Would you know what violence was without its opposite? Because you know states of non-violence, do you therefore recognize violence? My whole life, from when I was educated till now, has been a form of violence. The society in which I live is a form of violence. Society tells me to conform, accept, do this, not do that, and I follow it. That is also a form of violence. And when I revolt against society, that is also a form of violence (revolt in the sense that I don't accept the values which society has laid down). I revolt against it and then create my own values, which become the pattern; and that pattern is imposed on others or on myself, which becomes another form of violence. I live that kind of life. That is: I am violent. Now what shall I do?